For this project, we had to make a set of 3 illustrations inspired from the movie Moonrise Kingdom, created by Wes Anderson. The point was to portray the movie and recreate its atmosphere with only those 3 images.

I inspired myself from objects that emits sounds, such as a microphone, a vinyl player and a talkie walkie. With this idea in mind, I used those 3 objects that respectively represented the beginning, the middle and the end of the movie to me. I added a background that would suit the choosed scene and the words said during those exact same scenes to create a composition.

moonrise illustration 1 moonrise illustration 1 moonrise illustration 1
moonrise illustration fond 1 moonrise illustration fond 2 moonrise illustration fond 3
moonrise illustration objet 1 moonrise illustration objet 2 moonrise illustration objet 3
moonrise illustration texte 1 moonrise illustration texte 2 moonrise illustration texte 3
moonrise illustration 1 moonrise illustration 2 moonrise illustration 3
moonrise illustration gif 1 moonrise illustration gif 2 moonrise illustration gif 3

The point of this commission was to create the posters for the open doors day of our school, the EAA, which is now a part of the CPNE. It was a great exercise to practice our skills and to improve our visual communication.

The whole point of my design was to picture what we did and who we were as students in our school. I wanted to have a letter in the background that would represent our establishment and what we were asked to do, and then to have the same letter but twisted in a way that would portray the different sections here in our school and our own personality as artists showing up in our work. I wanted to show how we, as students, were all asked to do the same commissions, and how we would all still find a unique way to express our ideas. I wanted to show how our own being and creativity would transform something formal into art.

The purpose of this project was to create a vinyl cover of our own choice, but with lettering only.

I decided to go for the cover of The Division Bells by Pink Floyd. I wanted to create an optical illusion to fit with the well-known psychedelic theme of Pink Floyd.

The aim for this commission was to create the layout of another artist with a mandated lettering.

The point of my design was to take up the lettering I already had, the favorit, and to go for something that would be very formal and quite geometrical. I wanted to express that monotony and coded design that some newspapers can have but with a twist that would make it interesting and more graphic.

gif layout newspaper

For this project, I produced a photo diary over a period of one month for taking the photos, and two days for layout.
I took photos when I was listening to music. I tried to take photos that could replace the photo covers.

journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page

For this project, we had to create a video around 3 objects.
It was a project for which we were grouped with other classmates (their link below).

Kethy Horazio

Check they work :)


journal photo page journal photo page
journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page journal photo page

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- Good Bye - Thanks you for watching my projets - See you soon
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